BEWARE: Only use and when applying for mortgage assistance. Other websites, including, are not affiliated with the Homeowner Assistance Fund or the Kentucky Homeownership Protection Center.
Protect My KY Home Team Kentucky

 Homeowner Assistance Fund (HOAF)

Homeowner Eligibility​*

To be eligible* for the Team Kentucky Homeowners Assistance Fund (HOAF) program, the applicant must have experienced and attest to a financial hardship after January 21, 2020 due to COVID-19 and have an income less than 150% of the area median income (see chart below for details​).

Applicants who have been affected by COVID-19 resulting in disability will provide the date of approval for disability.

*Eligibility does not guarantee approval of funds. 


​Homeowners must occupy the residence as their Principal Residence at the time of hardship and after the closing.

Important Note: Financial hardships caused by inflation, rising costs of gasoline or groceries, are not qualifying hardships for this program.  Homeowners with inflation-related financial hardships, should work with their mortgage servicer or housing counselor to seek other alternatives.

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Looking for the Media Toolkit? Visit the HOAF Media Toolkit page for media resources including videos and press releases for the Team Kentucky HO​AF program.​ To see additional help available to Kentuckians in need, visit Kentucky Housing Corporation's resources page​. ​​​​​​​​​

Income Limits

For detailed information, see our HOAF Income Limits Chart​.